Improving a service - the Analytical Survey

Using the Analytical Survey (AS) is by far the most impactful thing I have done in my career as an Occupational Therapist.

To view an introduction to the AS, view the freely accessible short video at   The post is dated 22 July 2024. A second video on data and how it can be used will be posted shortly.

A great example of what the AS is and how it can dramatcially improve a service, improving client engagement and outcomes, is in the chapter by Laura Murphy (2021) in Perspectives on The Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability: practice, theory and philosophy. Watford: International Creative Ability Network. Available at This is a write-up of a project that I undertook with Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust.

The most essential aspect of the survey is the analysis of the data collected on service provision (a ward, OT service provision to a ward, an entire MDT service). Analysis relies upon clients being levelled as per the levels of creative ability. Sound knowledge and experience of the levels enables analysis which highlights why clients are and/or are not actively engaged in interventions, or are staying longer in a service than expected/desirable, or being readmitted. The AS provides clarity to the relation between clients' presentations, problems and needs, and what is usually a mismatch in service delivery - by the OT service and/or the MDT as a service.  What is working and why is evident, and recommendations are made to bring about positive change to the service. 

Significantly, the AS can be used as a service evaluation. When done regularly, perhaps 12 monthly, the service changes can capture improvement in engagement and outcomes, and reduced admissions and readmission rates. For occupational therapists, it significantly raises OTs' profile, illustrating its unique and highly valuable contribution in bringing VdTMoCA knowledge to the service. The As can significantly inform justification for OT services and staffing.

You can apply to undertake an AS yourself or as a team, and in doing so access modules on how to design, undertake and report on an AS. You can also book supervision sessions with Dr Wendy Sherwood to support the process. If adequate knowledge of the VdTMoCA is evident at application, you can complete the AS yourself or as a team. Alternatively, you can gain the former but commission Dr Wendy Sherwood to analyse the data and write a report of recommendations for the service. A presentation on the AS findings for the MDT or senior managers can also be negottiated.

Due to the intensity of this work in terms of time and expertise required, Dr Sherwood is only able to support two ASs a year.

For further information, contact